BoredRoom Comedy is India’s only corporate comedy consultancy. We combine our unique experience of both comedy and the corporate world to create innovative solutions for anything ranging from leadership development workshops to high-end conferences and marketing. But we are very serious with finance when it comes to payments.
We provide customised-to-context humour according to the agenda of the event, target audience and various other factors. Drawing deep insights from the industry, we aim to provide customised, out-of-the-box humour. We also incorporate important messages that otherwise might be too challenging to convey. Messages like “Printing your son’s Climate Change assignment on the company printer is not CSR”

Comedy is the most powerful tool to create connections with both internal and external stakeholders. From stand-up comedy to live conferences, we use comedy to achieve corporate objectives through our interactive workshops. From the "Sideways Sales Program" to "Comedy To Communicate" for Leadership Development, we drive deep learning for BoredRooms through Comedy. Our biggest learning is to stay on mute in conference calls